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How to achieve a 5-star average rating on Google

In today's world, a good Google Business Profile with positive reviews is crucial to the success of a medical facility.

More than 90% of potential new patients view the Google Business Profile at least once before contacting the organization.

And it's not just patients who use this information, applicants also research the practice before making contact and often read the reviews on the Google Business Profile. Based on these reviews, they draw conclusions about the overall situation and atmosphere in the practice or clinic.

Studies have shown that significantly fewer people click on an entrythat has less than 4 stars. This leads to the Google algorithm automatically classifying your entry as less relevant, which in turn can lead to a loss of important rankings for the relevant keywords in Google search.

Damage to business with low average valuation

A Google Business profile with 9 x 5 stars and 1 x 1 star is not yet a big problem. You can simply use the methods described here to collect additional reviews and raise the average again.

With more than 50 total ratings and a handful of negative ratings However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to raise the average. It can take many months or even yearsuntil you can climb back into the top ranks with additional ratings. That's why our customers set the course in the right direction right from the start in order to Automated and systematized to collect almost exclusively positive reviews.

How to collect good reviews

Collecting good patient reviews is of great importance to strengthen the reputation of the medical facility and attract potential (private) patients. There are various ways to achieve this.

QR code business cards

One simple option is to generate a QR code that links directly to the evaluation function of the Google Business Profile. You can use this QR code print on special business cards and make it accessible to patients in the practice, for example in the waiting room or after a treatment where the patient was obviously very satisfied. By scanning the QR code, patients can go directly to the review page and share their experience.

QR code display in practice

A similar concept can be applied to a display in the practice. Many practices have a small poster or display at reception or in the waiting room to encourage patients to scan the code and leave a review.

By placing the display in a highly visible location, you can attract patients' attention and encourage them to leave a review.

Automatic emails after the treatment appointment

A somewhat more elaborate, but Very efficient (and automatable) method is to send automatic reminder emails to patients after they have had a treatment appointment. If your booking system supports this feature, you can send an email asking the patient for a review and asking them about their satisfaction.

It's important that these emails are friendly and personalized to encourage patients to share their experiences. A little trick is to refer dissatisfied patients directly to your team to resolve their concerns, rather than publicly encouraging them to leave a negative review. How to do this with a Automated solution for evaluation funnelswe will be happy to explain to you in the free Strategy discussion.

Direct questions for personal contact

Another option is to ask patients directly for their satisfaction and feedback once you have established a good relationship with them.

If a patient is clearly satisfied with the treatment and you have had a positive interaction, you can politely ask them to leave a review and help you convince other patients of the benefits of your practice or clinic.

Dealing with false negative reviews

Unfortunately, in competitive markets it can happen that practices are in competition with each other and rate each other negatively in order to harm the competitor. We have already seen very annoying cases with our customers who partly hair-raising, business-damaging and obviously falsified reviews have received.

Such fake negative reviews can often be identified quickly and there are ways to have them removed. In Germany has a special lawwhich guarantees protection against unjustified assessments. We will be happy to put you in touch with a suitable contact.

There is no specific law in Switzerland, But there are also options hereto take action against unjustified negative reviews. We would be happy to tell you more about this in the free Strategy discussion.


A good Google Business Profile with positive reviews is an essential ingredient for the success of clinics and medical practices. It is crucial to take active measures to collect good reviews and strengthen the reputation of your facility.

The use of QR code business cards, QR code displays in the practice, automatic emails after the treatment appointment and direct questions during personal contact are effective methods of obtaining positive reviews.

It is also important to recognize false negative reviews and react appropriately to minimize the damage. If you have any further questions or would like individual advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. Simply arrange a free Strategy discussionto find out more.

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